
Sexual Health

Curious man thinking

Can STDs go away on their own

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 1 million sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are acquired every day worldwide, and most of these infections …

lady looking pensive folded arms

Which STDs are not curable

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are so common that pretty much everyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting one. In fact, according to …

couple kissing with glass panel in the way

Can you get an STD from kissing

While it is never the end of the world, contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is rarely at the top of anyone’s to-do list. This …

unhappy lady holding a mug

Can some STDs go undetected

Yes, STDs can go undetected if you are checking for symptoms as the basis of your investigation. STDs can go undetected for a couple of …

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