
How do you check ovarian reserve at home

Take An At-Home Test

Taking a hormone test is currently the only sure way of checking your ovarian reserves at home. There are no hacks or tricks! You need to take a blood, urine, or in some cases saliva test that will measure the hormones responsible for reproductive health and fertility.

There's also no sure way of counting the specific number of eggs yourself, we're born with over a million eggs. A healthcare professional might use an ultrasound test to count the number of visible follicles, which gives a rough idea of the total egg count. But the reality is this isn't something the average person can do at home themselves.

Instead, there are at-home hormone tests available from the growing number of at-home health test providers. Hormone levels are strong indicators of health risks or hazards, they are hints and clues that are useful for predicting the presence of a problem. You won't get a diagnosis from a hormone test, however.

Female Hormone Tests



Female Hormone Test

FSH, LH, Prolactin & Estradiol

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FSA / HSA Accepted

Finger Prick Sample


This at-home female hormone test is for those who are concerned or curious about their reproductive health. The test offers a comprehensive picture of your fertility status and if repeatedly taken over time, it can gather continual information about the pattern of changes in hormone levels.

Read our LetsgetChecked review for information and opinions on tests and services.

Hormone levels can be measured as high, normal, low, within range, and so on. So we're not counting exact egg numbers, the test results often identify the range that the sample hormone is in and how that compares to the millions of previous results over years of fertility testing.

Fortunately, there's a wealth of options available in the at-home fertility testing space, with lots of variable products available for Ovarian Reserve testing. We've listed some of the best ovarian reserve tests later on in this post.

At-home testing brings together the expertise of private healthcare, with the performance of digital commerce, to give everyday people access to professional medical testing in their own homes. With an at-home testing kit you collect a sample of blood, urine, stool, saliva, or whatever the kit requires and return the test for processing at some of the same labs used by healthcare practitioners.

Your results give you the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions in line with the test findings. In terms of ovarian reserve, there are lots of options for those seeking at home testing solutions.

You'll find that at-home testing companies like everlywell or LetsGetChecked have similar test kits labeled Ovarian Reserve Test, but they might be quite different in what they actually test for. Different testing companies check different sets of hormones in their tests, from a single hormone test to bundled multi-hormone testing.

AMH Ovarian Reserve Test



Ovarian Reserve Test

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)

Fast results in 2-5 days

Dedicated clinical support included

Finger Prick Sample


An at-home ovarian reserve test from LetsGetChecked checks your blood sample for Anti-Mullerian Hormone. Testing your AMH levels (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) is one of the most accurate blood tests for assessing your ovarian reserve. The level of AMH in a woman's blood is a good indicator of how many eggs she has left. This test is for anyone interested in evaluating their fertility status through a hormone level check.

One of the simplest and probably the most informative tests is an AMH ovarian reserve test, which measures your Anti-Mullerian Hormone levels (AMH). This is not a precise numerical result (we're not counting eggs). It does however provide you with the hormone range that is used when healthcare practitioners estimate the number of eggs in your reserve.

The egg follicles (the pouches around the egg) in the ovary, secrete Anti-Mullerian Hormone. So when you sample your blood for this test kit, the labs can measures the hormone levels in ins the sample which is a useful indicator of how many eggs are in the ovary. The higher the levels of AMH in the blood, the more eggs are present in your reserve.

Patients seeking a program of fertility support will be given an AMH test and the results will help the healthcare practitioners determine the scale of support required.

You can buy at-home AMH tests from a number of online retailers either as single at-home ovarian reserve tests or as part of a broader at-home female home test bundle.

FSH & Female Fertility Test

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is made in the pituitary gland, it helps stimulate the growth and release of the follicle and egg during ovulation. It's an integral part of ovulation and the menstrual cycle. Measuring the levels of FSH is useful as an ovarian reserve test, as the hormone levels can correlate with the abundance of eggs available for reproduction.

mylabbox home health test

myLAB Box

At-Home Female Fertility Test


Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


Finger Prick & Saliva Sample


This kit will give you an indication of the balance of hormones in your samples and results will come back showing you a range for each which can be high, low or normal. These hormones are key to reproductive health like ovulation and the menstrual cycle, but can also help women discover other health risks associated with female bodily functions.

Read our myLAB Box review for information and opinions on tests and services.

For women, measuring their FSH levels can once again offer hints as to the health of their reproductive system. these tests help Doctors estimate the sufficiency of follicles and eggs based on the levels of hormones released. The hormone itself is part of a balanced process, so normal test results can indicate a healthy system whereas high or low levels suggest the hormone isn't working at its optimum level.

If you are having difficulties conceiving, an at-home FSH test or a test bundle that includes FSH as a biomarker will help you understand more about the hormone levels that are contributing to the process of reproduction. You can use these results to highlight concerns that you may have with a healthcare professional and progress on to a pathway of fertility support.

Can you check your ovarian reserve yourself?

You can't physically check this yourself, but you can take the same hormone tests that a healthcare practitioner might offer, by buying a test from an at-home health testing company. Many offer Ovarian Reserve tests that measure your AMH, FSH and Estradiol levels which are useful indicators of ovarian reserve health.


CCRM Fertility – Fertility Test
CDC – Infertility

Image Credits

Featured Image – Photo by bruce mars

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