Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite trichomonas vaginalis and is often shortened to just Trich.
The parasites are single-celled living organisms that have the ability to invade human cells causing a range of non-threatening health concerns, including serious diseases. They differ from bacteria in that they need to survive on other living tissue, so do not survive for long outside of a host like bacteria or a virus might
Signs & Symptoms of Trichomoniasis
Most people who have trich won’t experience any symptoms and it can go unnoticed for long periods of time. Other infected people will experience symptoms similar to other STDs. Those symptoms can be different for men and women
Trichomoniasis symptoms in men
- Stinging pain when peeing or ejaculating
- Hazy white discharge from the penis
- Feeling the need to pee more often than normal
- Swelling and redness around the head of the
Trichomoniasis symptoms in women
- Thick yellow or green (irregular) vaginal discharge
- Fishy smell from discharge
- Irregular amount of discharge compared to normal
- Sore and itchy vagina
- Discomfort when peeing or during sex
How Is Trichomoniasis Treated?
Trich is treated with antibiotics, with a course of around 7-10 days normally enough to cure the infection.
If you test positive for Trichomoniasis, it's important that you seek out treatment as it rarely heals on its own.
How Do You Get Trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis is mainly spread through sexual contact during vaginal sex. The parasite is transmitted through contact with areas in which it is living and spreading like the tip of the penis or the vagina.
Trichomoniasis can spread through the use of shared sex toys, where one person carries the parasite and the toys are quickly shared during a sexual encounter.
Is Trichomoniasis serious?
It's a low-risk STD but still progresses enough to offer some uncomfortable symptoms if it's left untreated.
Diagnosis & Detection
How is Trichomoniasis detected?
A sexual health practitioner or doctor might offer an examination of the genitals to see if visible symptoms are consistent with people infected with trichomoniasis. But this will almost always lead to a test being administered.
Trichomoniasis is diagnosed through a positive test result from either a urine or swab sample and can be obtained through a sexual health center, a walk-in testing lab or by buying an at-home STD test kit that has trich listed as one of the tested infections.

myLAB Box – HIV Test
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Results are obtained using a Combo Antigen/Antibody ELISA for the qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV type 1 (HIV-1 groups M and O) and HIV type 2 (HIV-2) in human blood

myLAB Box – Syphilis Test
Test for the 8th most common STI and screen from the comfort of your home with a simple finger prick blood collection kit.

myLAB Box – Trichomoniasis Test
Screen for Trichomoniasis (“trich”) from the comfort of your home with a simple urine collection and area swab kit. Trich is considered the most common curable STD.

myLAB Box – Mycoplasma Genitalium Test
Mycoplasma genitalium has been recognized as a new and important sexually transmitted infection. Mycoplasma genitalium is a sexually transmitted bacterium that was first identified in the early 1980s. Testing has only recently become available for use in clinical settings.
Read our myLAB Box review for information and opinions on tests and services.
Other Types
Are There Other Types Of Trichomoniasis?
Trichomoniasis is one of the most curable STDs and doesn’t really carry too many complications.
It can cause premature birth if you carry the disease while pregnant
How Do You Prevent Trichomoniasis?
You prevent trichomoniasis like with any other STD, by being responsible and wearing protection during sex in the form of a condom. But also by being honest with your sexual partners about your sexual history and maintaining a regular testing program if you are sexually active.